Friday, April 15, 2016

Re-Building My 2016 Garden Wall

 After 2 1/2 hours outside, I was done today.  The new medicine I've been taking, has really fatigued me.  I hate taking medication!  But, I did make progress.  Click on that photo over there to the left and you'll see it enlarged...and you'll be able to read the caption on it...or scroll down to see it larger already!  I managed to lift and move a TON - that's 2000 pounds of those concrete blocks today and dig up the 4 huge Hostas...

Those Hosta Plants were awful...the bases measure approx 30" across. I can turn them over in the holes...but can't lift them. HELP!! :D  

If you've missed the posts I've done about the Garden and why I am having to do all of this work, you can read about it Here.

Tomorrow I need to be remove the blocks where you see their holes [2 layers] and level them and then re-build the wall. Don't you just LOVE the overhead photos from my Sitting Room window?


  1. OH my goodness...bless your heart. Please be careful and rest.

  2. Jan, That is a huge workout. You seem to be coming along well. I hope it never falls over again. We had a beautiful day here in Central Indiana. prefect weather. Blessings, xoxo,,Susie

  3. Wow! BIG job. Those are huge hostas. I moved some like that two years ago. I ended up laying them on their sides and using a saw to cut through the root base to make them manageable. I only lost a few leaves along the way and ended up with small plants to spread around. That might work for you? xo Diana

  4. Hi Jan
    What a huge job. It is looking so great. Take care and rest when you can. Prayers fur you.
    Have a great weekend. xo

  5. Hi Jan,
    Wow, that is a huge job, and lots of lifting! Your project is going to turn out great, just don't over do it! I know what you mean about digging up hostas. I have alot in my gardens, and have to divide them every few years.
    Thank you so much for the kind comments you left on my post about our new Molly. It is hard moving on, I know you have gone thru that too with your beloved Bennie. Nothing can compare to the unconditional love our animal companions give us.
