Monday, July 27, 2015

Faithfulness vs Unfaithfulness

Our Trustworthy God
{from my Every Day With Jesus Bible - Psalm 89:1}
God is utterly trustworthy in all He says and does, and this is the rock-bottom reality on which everything in the universe depends.  In an age when so much unfaithfulness abounds, how good it is to realize that we have One who will never let us down, never have to apologize for failing us and never go back on His Word.  Am I speaking to someone who has just discovered unfaithfulness in a marriage partner, or experienced the break-up of a relationship {marriage) because a person you trusted did...
not keep their word?  It's a sad moment when we get a revelation of the inconsistency of the human heart.  But we need to look into our own hearts also, for none of us can claim complete immunity to the sin of unfaithfulness.  We may not have broken a contract or violated the marriage covenant, but we have been unfaithful to Christ in other ways -- to the light and privileges that God has entrusted to us, perhaps.

How refreshing it is, then, to read today's text and focus our gaze on the One who is faithful at all times and in all things.  We may let Him down, but He will never let us down.

He cannot fail for He is God,
He cannot fail, He pledged His Word,
He cannot fail, He'll see you through,
He cannot fail, He'll answer you.

Gracious and loving God, what inspiration it brings to my soul to realize that of all the things You can do, the one thing You can't do is fail.  May the reality of this be the pavement on which I tread this day and every day.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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Nearly four months ago, my world changed, when my husband moved out of our house...and never looked back.  I haven't heard from him, don't know how he's doing or anything else.  That happened just about 2 months before our 10th Wedding Anniversary.

Nothing has changed, except that he no longer lives here...or talks to me or the Pups.

I've struggled with the unfaithfulness in his not keeping his word, as we promised each other on our Wedding Day - to love each other and stay together until death.

So...this devotion was just what I needed today.  We all are guilty of unfaithfulness - whether it be another person our partner gets involved with - or by the breaking of a promise of the wedding vows in leaving a marriage.  We're all guilty of unfaithfulness in other relationships as well...with friends, co-workers and relatives.  It's the inconsistency of the human heart and the fact that we do have free will.

The worst form of unfaithfulness is to God, our Saviour.  If we tread to often, or for too long down that path of unfaithfulness to Him...we will not only let Him down...but let ourselves down, by separating us from Him and His Kingdom!

So, remember, He is the only one that will forever be Faithful to His Word and He will see us through trials and tribulations and always be there to Answer us when we pray.

So, today, as I go about my busy schedule, I will "Sing of the Mercy of the Lord Forever" and pray for His strength to remain faithful to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan, wonderful post and filled with much wisdom and teachings. Thanks for sharing. Hope your week is off to a great start. Don't work too hard/ Hugs and Blessings, cm
