Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Special News Bulletin...Read All About It!!

I whistled for my dogs today!  So what, you say?  It's a big deal to me!!  I trained my first 3 Pups, Jasper, Benny and Rosie, with my whistle - the kind I made by puckering up my lips and blowing.  Then on May 28th 2012, I got Bell's Palsy and had a 2nd bout of it in August 2014.  Since May 28th 2012, I have not been able to whistle at all!  Oh, maybe if I held my mouth just right - and then for only a second or two.  But, today, I really whistled - for about 3 minutes.  Jasper and Rosie were going crazy, because they must have remembered my whistle and it made them get excited [for a treat], HA!  Angel even caught on to that act!!


  1. Such great news! I am happy for you. I know your pooches love it too. Hugs, Linda

  2. Hi Jan, Hooray for a good whistle. I am so glad for you and this great news. You have come so far and this proves the fact that you can heal and get better again. You did it my friend. So happy your pups could hear that precious calling whistle again.
    Enjoy the rest of the week. xo

  3. Hi Jan, stopping back by to say hello and hope you are doing well. I heard it's getting cooler there and even some snow in places. We are finally having cool mornings and nights. Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a wonderful week.
    Hugs and Blessings, cm
