Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas At Our House

In years past, I decorated every room in the house for Christmas!  Sometimes I had 2-3 Christmas Trees!  I would start decorating on Thanksgiving Day {when I was single, which I was until 2005}.  I would cook food for the day and nibble all day long as I worked.  Most years, I would have parties with friends and relatives...or at least have several people over for a Christmas Celebration Dinner...or even Brunch.  When hubby and I were first married, I did alot of Christmas Decorating in our old house...
even though our house had been for sale and SOLD just before the holidays.  See that post Here.   We were expecting to move out of that house and into our new home soon after the New Year...2006.  We ended up moving until March of 2006.  But, there was less to pack or sell before we moved.

Our first several Christmases in our New Home, we had 2 trees and sometimes 3...and decorations in every single room in the house.  We had parties.  We had dinners.  We had friends and neighbors and the occasional family member over.

We even had a PINK tree 2 years in a row.  Take a peek Here.

And then the past several years, decorating has dwindled, as it's been just hubby, me and the pups.  There has seldom been a party, a dinner or visitors and certainly no family that visits.

This year, with the added events of the past several weeks, I really haven't felt like doing alot of decorating.  I did, however, get our pretty table-top tree out of storage and got it up.  I had to rearrange furniture in our Den where so I could move the console in to put the tree on...and then got it all decorated.  It looks so pretty with all of it's amber glowing lights.  Since it's so close to Christmas, I am going to leave the decorating at that...just the tree.  I wanted to share the photos and wish everyone a Blessed and Very Merry Christmas!!

Gold Poinsettias, amber lights, a few gold ornaments and a ribbon a Fleur de Lis Pot.  After putting the tree on the console, I realized they BOTH had Fleur de Lis on them! 

No Room Lights on - No Flash - Only the Christmas Lights are Lit!


  1. Hi Jan, Past present and everything in between your décor is beautiful and this year with the amber tree, it is so cozy and just welcomes Christmas. My thoughts and prayers remain with you for better days ahead. Your courage is uplifting in spite of the sadness you have endured so close to Christmas. Sending hugs your way. XO Celestina Marie

  2. Hi Jan! Yes, you've gone through more than your share this year and I pray the best for you in this coming one. Your tree is just beautiful and it's certainly okay to just have a tabletop tree. Especially when it's as pretty as yours.
    Merry Christmas, friend,
    Shelia ;)
