Monday, November 26, 2012

Relaxation? Tis the Season...Try These Easy Steps!

Proper Breathing is KEY to Relaxation, and when I read the article it made me recall being in Band in Grade School and High School and taking Saxophone Lessons.  Mr. Cerwin, the instructor, insisted that I learn how to breathe using my diaphragm.  Diaphragm?  What's that, I asked.  He explained and instructed me on how to breathe so that I would have the needed breath  inside me to blow into the saxophone and play!  I never forgot about that and...
have always breathed that way!  How about you?  Do you breathe using your chest or do you breathe using your diaphragm (where your stomach rises and falls with each breath).   I thought it is so important for all of us to breathe properly to get to the state of relaxation, that I would share this article with you.  Let me know what you think about it.  For those trying to unwind and relax, there may be an easier way to do it than spending endless amounts of money on expensive yoga classes or therapy sessions. In fact, everyone possesses the key to relaxation within themselves and that key is proper breathing.

Proper Breathing is the Key to Relaxation 

The word inspire actually translates to breathe in. In ancient times, they believed that every time a person inhaled, the divine spirit was entering them. While this may or may not be true, there is something truly inspiring about every intake of breath. The word expire means to exhale or, as it is more commonly used, to die. It’s actually fitting to view breathing in this way because when a person exhales, they rid their body of dangerous toxins. This is just one of the important ways that breathing helps to maintain a person’s overall health.

What is a Proper Way to BreatheHowever, there is more to it than that. Though most people are unaware of it, there is actually a proper way to breath. There is a difference between breathing for relaxation and the way that most people breathe. Usually people breathe with their chest, which results in short bursts of air that are only sufficient enough to get them through a few seconds. This is called thoracic breathing. Instead, breathing should be done through the diaphragm. When done properly, a person should only have to take 6 to 8 breaths every minute. This type of breathing pattern is called diaphragmatic breathing.

Proper Breathing for Mental and Physical RelaxationWhile many associate proper breathing with yoga and the mental relaxation one gains from such an activity, there are actually physical benefits to adopting a proper breathing technique. Deep rhythmic breathing actually slows down the nervous system, which in turn can help a person to feel more relaxed. It also helps to prevent a person from feeling overwhelmed.  Panic attacks and other anxiety orders can also be caused by improper breathing techniques. When a person inhales, oxygen is brought into the body, which is then absorbed by blood cells. This reaction causes the release of carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled. Quick, rapid breaths can actually upset the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide and, in many cases, can actually lead to a panic attack.

Relaxation Starts from Gaining Control of Your BreathingIn order to fully relax, a person must gain control of their breathing and learn to breathe through their stomach. To do this, a hand should be placed on the stomach in order to watch it rise and fall through the inhale and exhale. For further assistance, the other hand can be placed on the chest. This hand will help to detect whether or not the chest is being used to breathe or not. If the hand moves, then the diaphragm is not being fully utilized and the breaths are most likely shallow and uneven.  Statistics show that once a person learns how to breathe properly during periods of relaxation, they tend to adopt a new breathing pattern altogether. This change helps to create a greater sense of calm and well being.

* Stacy is a hobby writer for, who enjoys stress free moments on her outdoor patio where she practices relaxation breathing techniques.


  1. Good Morning Jan, thank you for sharing this today. In the busy time this month, it is important to just relax and breath correctly.
    I can relate to the band as I played the clarinet and we had to learn to breath, helping us to get through the numbers.

    I admit I forget this, but your reminder will help to keep me focused on in better.

    Hope you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving. Have a great week.
    Hugs, CM

  2. HI Jan! I was always in choir and we did the same thing to breath and to take our deep breaths from our diaphragms as we sang.
    Hope you're continuing to feel better.
    Be a sweetie,
