Monday, December 25, 2017

The PuppyKids Are Back Home With Me

Late Thursday afternoon, after speaking to the Mrs. of the couple who took my Pups almost 3 weeks ago, a friend and I went to their house for a visit.  A visit that I hoped would end with me bringing my Pups back home.  3 weeks ago, when the Pups initially stayed with this couple, we knew there would be a trial period of about 3 weeks, in case either of us saw a need to have the pups come back to live with me.

All of the PuppyKids, after baths and grooming...
Left to Right:  Angel, Rosie & Jasper
My friend and I arrived and the couple welcomed us, as did my Pups!  I said we needed to sit down because I was there to talk to them.  I said I felt that in talking to them, that they may have taken on too much with 3 small dogs.  They asked if I wanted to take them back home.  I asked how they felt about that and they said, "Fine".  The Mr. said that he had just asked the Mrs. after our phone call, if she thought that I might want my dogs back.  Then they said that yes, it was a bit much with 3 dogs, but they were trying.  Some things that they promised to do, hadn't been done and things I requested them NOT to do, they were doing.
 My dogs have always had my Garden Courtyard, approximately 900 square feet of enclosed patio area, with concrete block wall and gate to keep them secure.  Plus whenever they were outside to go potty or play, I was out there with them, or at least at the door the entire time.  So, my request was that they NEVER leave the dogs "off leash" in their HUGE un-fenced yard [approx 2 acres].  They had the Invisible Fence from 2 previous pups of theirs who passed away and until they got that up and running, they would take them out on a leash.  Well, just a couple of days in, they were leaving the pups out the patio door to run around their fence, a huge area of woods, a big pond and on a busy road.  We talked about changing that and they once again agreed.
It's been cold and snowing here...and yet the pups never wore their coats to go out running around in the yard, in the snow.  These are small pups 8-12# each...and they need their bellies covered when they're in the snow.  And Angel ran a way out of sight, long enough that they wondered if she would return.  But, she did, "because she was probably cold and figured it was warm in the house".
My Rosie, known to scrounge food from anyone's bowl or plate, be it dog or human...was allowed to even eat the cat food.  In her 3 weeks with them, she gained 2#.  She has problems when she is overweight...with her hind legs when she walks.
The pups usually go to bed [here with me] anywhere from 8-10pm, right after going potty. Then they get up about 7am. I could adjust the time if I needed them to sleep later or to even get up earlier...but it would take several days. That didn't work out for this couple, who sleep in until 9am. They were anxious to be able to sleep until 9am again, which they did on Friday morning.
Rosie, already bored with me taking pictures, she's mid-yawn!!
All in all, they were a lovely couple, anxious to keep the 3 Pups together, so the little family wouldn't be split up more, afterall, I was letting them go.  They had good intentions.  The liked having the pups around.  But...we all agreed that the pups needed to go back home with me.

While relieved having them back here...I'm already dreading when they need to leave with another family.  I don't know how that will go...but I know someday, it will happen.  I just don't have enough money [income] to support all of us.  Even when/if they divorce goes through, I'm not guaranteed to receive money from Tom.  And, no, no one has come to even look at my house, much less buy it.
Jasper doing what he does best...playing with his favorite toy!
But, for Pups are safe and home to spend Christmas with me.  We do alot of snuggling since they've been home.  I've given them baths and groomed them too.  I've ordered food for them, since I only had a few days of their food left.  It's been quite a shock to my system, taking them out in the dark of night, in the snow, rain, wind and cold weather.  It's like they never skipped a beat...when we got home, it was right back to normal.

I feel so blessed that this couple opened their home to my pups and me like they did.  I feel bad for them that it didn't work out...but then also feel relieved for them, because I really believe they bit off more than they could chew with my 3 little pups.

I rescued my Pups!  It feels good to have them here.
Tom & I probably 8 years ago
I wish I could have rescued my husband, too.  That would have made the Holidays complete.  My friends say, your hubby could be knocking on your door, when you least expect it.  And, in a way, I guess he could.  I never thought I'd find him, let alone would be able to see him like I did 2 weeks ago.  I never thought I'd hear an apology from him, have him hold my hand or give me a peck on the lips again.  But, after much prayer and leaving it all to God, I did find him.  I did get an apology from him, he did hold my hand and he did give me a peck on the lips...all after being gone for nearly 3 years!  He made plans for me to come and get him and all his stuff to bring him home.  He said God will help us put things back together again.  Then his kids intervened once more and I can no longer talk to him.  But, I can continue praying and trusting God to work everything out, however that may be.  This is the time of year of Christmas Miracles.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Jan, I am relieve the pups are back home with you. I can't imagine the heartache you felt giving them away. Now, you may have to go through that again. I hope Tom can find his way back home, so you all can be together. What is wrong with his children? Do they not have a heart? xo

  2. Oh, Jan! You have your little fuzzy faces back with you, even if it's temporary, but a sweet Christmas present. Again, I'm so sorry about Tom and the way his kids have acted. You're always in my prayers, sweet friend.
    Shelia ;)
