Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, that's what I've been.  See??
My PuppyKids are with their new Family, yes, they were adopted on Saturday and immediately stayed with them.  They are doing very well.  Getting settled in their new routine and even have another furry sister...A CAT!  They're all getting along just fine.  I'm so happy these kind people, friends and clients of my massage therapist...decided to keep the little family together.  Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers through this difficult journey I've been on and am still going through. 

Since it seems today was going to be the best day this week to take care of a task I thought up yesterday, I figured I'd better tackle it.  It has to do with my Courtyard Wall.  Here's a photo.

You can see just the tops of my 2 wrought iron chairs sitting next to the side garage door.  The wall and gate are the things I wanted to get done today.  But, that meant moving about 2 tons of concrete block.  85 blocks @45# a piece!!

Well, I got dressed for the cloudy weather, the wind and dropping temps and got busy.  Within 90 minutes I had the job done.  I'm good, ya know?  It's been 3 summers I've hauled and moved those blocks, getting rid of alot of them and re-building walls and all.

Well, here's the final picture...without the wall and the gate!!

Quite a difference, I think.  I love it and I feel great!!!

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