Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hairstyles - More To Consider

Would you believe it?  I still haven't gone and gotten my hair cut.  What I did do, is only trim the longer, shaggier parts around my ears.  That helped considerably.  I hate it when my hair starts growing long around my ears or my bangs grow out too long but, they are the two parts that are easiest for me to trim.  I have always loved having my hair short.  It's thick and coarse...and has lots of body...some wave...and little curl.  In the interim, with all the business I've been tending to around here...I did find several more hair styles!  The first one's my favorite.  I could see me in any of theseand you'll be the first to know when I do get my hair cut...
and styled.  For the time being, I'm still trying to figure out for sure, just which cut will be the one.  And I'm working on my very long and cumbersome To Do it may be a while.



  1. Hi Jan, all cute short hair cuts. Anyone of these would be cute on you. Have a great week. xo

  2. Hi Jan! Who would think there are so many cute short hairstyles. Really so many look like they're cute almost the same just styled differently. You'll look pretty no matter which one you choose! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
