Sunday, November 30, 2014

Do You Use a To Do List?

It seems I've always used a To Do List.  I hate having to remember things that I need to do.  I've tried that and I always felt like I was forgetting something and I was always thinking about it!  I have too many other things going on in my head to have to think about the things I need to do.   Do you use a To Do List?  If you do, how is that working for you?  If you don't use a To Do List, how do you
get things accomplished?  Checking things off the list, is something I love being able to do!  

I make lists for everything!  Grocery Shopping - Things to Do - Christmas Cookies to Bake - Menu for the Week and just a miscellaneous one - which at the end of the day or the end of the week, gets put on to another list.  I have a pad of paper, with columns so it is quite easy to work from.  I know I will be interuppted when working...that's a given.  So, I try to go with whatever it is - get it taken care of and get back to the list.  

Something that will be on the top of my To Do List next a Massage!!  That's for sure.  And I'll be deciding if I will make a Grooming appointment for the 3 Pups or if I'll be taking care of them this time.  I want to try something different with their cuts and it's easier for me to do it and take photos than to describe what I want done.


  1. HI Jan, yes I live with my lists too. Each day I have one to follow and it really helps me stay on task. I may not get it all done and have to carry it over to the next day, but it does help. Sounds like you are finding great ways to cut corners and save dollars. This is always a good thing. I do my own hair too and it works for me just fine!!
    Happy December and so glad you are starting out the month with a massage!

  2. Hi Jan,
    I love lists, I have physical lists,I have a couple of lists by my computer and several running in my mind! I'd be lost without them. They keep me focused and also I enjoy the satisfaction of crossing an item off my list.
    You are starting the month of right, a massage! Love that you are taking care of yourself.
    Have a good week,

  3. I have noticed as I get older lists are everything. Because without them I never come home with everything I needed to buy.

    Hugs Diane

  4. I couldn't function without my lists daily. =) Loved your post.
    Blessings Always,

  5. Yes, I do use a to do list. I am not a legalist with it; but I need it to help me remember.
