Thursday, September 4, 2014

Angel Back To Herself!

Good Morning Everyone!  Yesterday was a scorcher here with 96°!  The late afternoon and evening hours included severe thunderstorm warnings, torrential downpours, thunder, lightening (one scared Pup - Rosie), wind and power outages.  Today will see partly sunny skies and a high of 74° since the cold front has moved past us.  Pleasant day ahead.  Time to go out on the patio and sit on the swings and enjoy summer again!

Our Pup, Angel is feeling fine again.  She's her old spunky self.  She makes her rounds, checking out things around the house as the sun sets.  She runs circles around the other 2 Pups and is once again enjoying all of her toys!!   This is a typical scene around here  Angel (straggly haired Coton) playing with Rosie (short haired Toy Poodle)...


  1. Hi Jan, so glad that Angel is better and having fun playing and enjoying her toys again. Oh I am smiling at your video and your sense of humor through all the difficult days. The video really tells the tale of how one might feel with BP. I am glad you are okay for now and I pray the progress continues.
    Sorry to hear about your bad storms but so glad you had no damage. Sitting out on the porch sounds like the perfect way to spend the last days of summer and relax.
    Take care my friend and sending you big hugs!!

  2. Yay Angel! You go, spunky girl!
    Same front is supposed to come through here later on today. Good. Miserably hot and muggy. Definitely NOT a porch swing day. Wish I had a porch swing. And I also wish your progress continues.
